Norwegia zdobywa złoto na mistrzostwach świata w skokach, stawkę drugiej serii awansują Polacy.
Norwegians dominated the competition, leaving Slovenians behind by a whopping 61.1 points. Austria fell far behind, losing a staggering 113.6 points. The Polish team started strong, holding the seventh place at the halfway mark, but they were overtaken by the Finns in the end.
The Polish team, consisting of Pola Bełtowska, Dawid Kubacki, Anna Twardosz, and Aleksander Zniszczoł, put on a solid performance, showcasing their skills and determination on the slopes.
Slovenia’s Anze Lanisek made headlines with his record-breaking jump of 141 meters during the competition, impressing both fans and fellow competitors alike. His incredible feat will surely go down in ski jumping history as a moment to remember.
Despite the fierce competition and challenging conditions, all the athletes displayed remarkable sportsmanship and resilience throughout the event. Congratulations to the Norwegian team for their well-deserved victory, and kudos to all the participants for their hard work and dedication to the sport.
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