Tragiczna śmierć 11 osób po spożyciu podrabianego alkoholu
38 people, including 26 foreigners, were admitted to several hospitals in the city after consuming counterfeit alcohol. 11 of them, who were treated within the last 24 hours, died” – reported the Turkish news agency Anatolia.
As the Istanbul authorities announced on the X platform, in 2024, 110 people in the city fell ill after consuming counterfeit alcohol, with 48 of them dying.
It is suspected that the cause of these deaths was alcohol contaminated with methanol, a toxic alcohol used in industry and household products. This substance is used in the production of antifreeze, windshield washer fluid, paint, or photocopier fluid. Methanol can cause blindness, liver damage, and even death.
Counterfeit alcohol poisoning is a common phenomenon in Turkey, as illegal production is rampant due to the government’s increase in taxes on alcoholic beverages.
The most commonly counterfeited product is raki, a Turkish anise-flavored liqueur, which can be bought in supermarkets for around 1300 Turkish lira per liter (about 36 euros). The average salary in Turkey is around 470 euros.
SEE ALSO: Brewing beer from shoe polish. There are many victims.
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