
Zabezpieczenie opłacone za Michała K.: Inne sposoby ochrony finansowej

Michał K., a former head of the Government Strategic Reserves Agency, may now be released on parole as he has met the conditions set last week, including paying over 360,000 pounds in bail. As his attorney Adam Gomoła announced on Monday evening, the former RARS chief is now free. Michał Wawrykiewicz was asked about the matter. The MEP pointed out that the British court had „applied other preventive measures such as high bail and imposing a curfew.” – Not only through being in custody can we ensure that this man does not escape, but also that he participates in the proceedings. I think the court has considered all the circumstances and properly secured the proceedings – said the guest of „Question of the Day”.

According to the KO MEP, the charges against Michał K. are „serious, top-tier corruption cases”. – Therefore, I believe that the measures applied are adequate to the charges. The British court is cooperating with the Polish prosecutor’s office – Wawrykiewicz emphasized.

Who paid the bail for Michał K.? The MEP was then asked who could have paid the bail for Michał K. Wawrykiewicz admitted that he does not delve into it as long as „the procedure is legal”. – The funds must come from legal sources, and the person who paid them must be authorized to do so. From the public’s point of view, this is a legitimate question because these are huge sums of money. We know that there is a case against him involving accusations of a huge sum. Therefore, we would like to see who is guaranteeing for such a person – he pointed out.

In his opinion, such information can be provided by the „British court”. – The information should be in the public domain because the crime is related to a public scandal. There are highly placed individuals and public funds involved here – the MEP noted.

New commission to investigate abuses Wawrykiewicz also commented on the establishment of a government commission to deal with all cases of abuse of power against democratic activists in the years 2016-2023. According to the politician, „this area of action by the PiS state should be thoroughly investigated”. – Persecutions of social and non-governmental organizations were very serious. Starting with police actions, we remember brutal police interventions, beating women with batons, dragging them on the ground and breaking their arms. Also in relation to MPs (the use of force – ed.) was not limited. There were no sanctities – he emphasized.

He added that „those who issued such orders and followed political orders” must answer. – Disciplinary and criminal proceedings should follow against those responsible – he stressed.

How widespread are the abuses? According to Wawrykiewicz, „the number of such cases would probably reach several thousand”. – They were mostly participants in demonstrations. We remember the powerful protests in 2020, after the fake ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal regarding abortion rights. At that time, the scale of repression and brutal methods was enormous. Then there were many applications to the courts to punish protesters. Fortunately, the courts very often – applying the provisions of the Constitution – stood on the side of citizens and their right to express their views in a democratic state. But still, there were repressions – he summarized.

He also said that the establishment of a commission to investigate abuses should also be an opportunity to listen to „people participating in the protests”. – Among these organizations, I would also mention judicial, legal, and prosecutorial associations that participated in the battle to defend the rule of law. They too were persecuted, such as the hate campaign organized against judges. All these were state actions that have the hallmarks of a crime – the MEP argued.
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